Construction Journal | 4/19/01
Mounting the Moulds |
This is more like it. I used 2x2's which are really more line 1 1/2" and
these suckers are solid now.
| 4/19/01
Mounting the Moulds |
If you sort of half-squint your eyes, the shape of a boat sort of
springs to mind, doesn't it? That, or a row of tombstones
in a very crowded cemetary. So I've reached my second
milestone, the first of which was completing the building
frame, and now the possibility to pretend like I was building
a boat without spending a whole lot of money comes to
an end. Next steps are the stem, transom and hog, all of
which will be done with mahogany, if I can manage
to find anybody who sells it.
| 4/25/01
The Transom Brace |
It's been several days since I have had a chance to work on the
boat. Part of the time has been spent scouring the city looking for
a source for wood meant for things other than slapping some frames
up and hammering fiber board to them, but I finally found a place
called The Woodworker's Source in Phoenix. The selection is amazing,
but you of course have to have a pretty critical eye to make sure
you get what you want.
In the mean time, I put together a contraption meant to hold the
transom at the 93 degree angle required by the plans, and amazingly
enough, these meet those measurements exactly. Once in a very great
while I do something right, but generally I have to do just about
everything at least twice before I get it the way I want it.
| 4/26/01
Fitting the Transom Boards |
I finally picked up what I considered to be pretty decent mahogany
and here I'm testing the fit of the boards to one another. The old
adage, "measure twice, cut once" is simply not sufficient for me because
I measure the cut of these boards several times and it still looks as if
I may have cut them too short, or at least they are so close as to leave
no room for error.
I also started putting the stem together, but I'm too ashamed to show
the pictures of the effort. You have two ways to go when putting together
the stem; you can laminate several thin strips of wood and epoxy to
build up the stem with the proper curve, or you can simply cut and glue
pieces together to build it up. I chose the latter method, during the
execution of which I botched up several pieces of beautiful mahogany
so bady that I wanted to cry. I haven't given up on it, but I'm definitely
considering other options.
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