Construction Journal | 7/4/01
Pattern in Place |
Okay, now I'm as happy as I'm going to get with the
fairing job. I am nowhere near the level of craftsmanship that
I would like to accomplish, but I am certain that it's as
good as I can make it given my current skill level. My son
Sean keeps asking me if it will float. At this point in
the project, that's hardly a measure for success.
| 10/28/01
Placing the garboard strake |
It's been a while since I did any real work on the boat. That's
partly due to the unavailability of suitable marine grade lumber in
Phoenix, if you can imagine that. I finally broke down and ordered four
sheets of very nice marine grade, 1/4" okoume, which arrived yesterday
so now I have no excuses any more. Here I've placed the garboard strake
and glued it up. I'm using brass wood screws to hold the strake in
place while the epoxy sets up. They'll be removed and the holes filled
when the time is right.
| 10/29/01
Placing the second garboard strake |
I apparently didn't measure something right, or something wasn't quite
fair, but after setting the second garboard, you can see that there is a
pretty large gap down the center line. I know I'll be able to work around
the gap later, but I'm worried about the effect of the strakes being to low
and throwing off the alignment of subsequent strakes.
| 11/02/01
Cutting the rebate |
In order for the next plank to lie properly at the stem, you have to
chisel away a channel, or rebate for the plank to land on. I was
actually dreading this, but it went pretty well.
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