I've been a patient man, putting off until
the time is right, the stars are in alignment and all
the omens are correct the buying of a solid, ocean-capable
boat. The recent past has reinforced for me some hard life-lessons,
previously learned but conveniently sublimated.
There are no guarantees in this life. Death awaits us all, some
much sooner than others, and the delay of a dream by so much
as a single day risks all.
It was with a heady mixture of dread and relief that I
took the enormous step of purchasing the vehicle of my future,
SV/Mandisa. She is a beautiful thing, a 1984 Baba 30, tenderly
cared for by her previous owners, and I hope to be worthy
of her custodianship. (Like all the really good Robert Perry designs,
(heh heh) she is a double-ender with a modified full keel, and I'm
actually considering pulling her diesel engine to allow her
to more comfortably rest in her native salt water. A worthy topic of
debate, but outside the scope of this writing.)
We none of us have any real clue what our futures hold. We can
plan, we can anticipate, we can take prudent measures to insure
favorable outcomes should disaster fail to befall us, but in the end
our time here is fleeting and should not be wasted.